Our in home care for the elderly is designed to help seniors enhance their independence and lifestyle.
Where your health and overall wellness are our priorities.
The Homeless Prevention Program operates, in many instances
The Homeless Prevention Program provides portable rent supplements and support services to individuals in identified at-risk groups facing homelessness.The Homeless Prevention Program is an initiative aimed at providing individuals in identified at-risk groups facing homelessness with portable rent supplements.
Integrated Community Supports (ICS): Services that provide support and training in community living service categories to adults age 18 and older who reside in a living unit of a provider-controlled ICS setting (e.g., apartment in a multi-family housing building). ICS can be delivered up to 24 hours per day in the person’s living unit or in the community.
We understand the struggles of not receiving the right support you deserve. That is why our team of care providers is dedicated to giving you health and personal assistance that are tailored to your unique needs. Also, we will have a thorough assessment of your health for as to know what specific program or service to use to ensure you will get the right care.
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Please contact us anytime if you have any questions about our services. We look forward to hearing from you.
2446 15th Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55404
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Monday 9:00AM-5:00PM
Tuesday 9:00AM-5:00PM
Wednesday 9:00AM-5:00PM
Thursday 9:00AM-5:00PM
Friday 9:00AM-5:00PM
Revenue in 2017 (Million)
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Year of experience